Annual Report 2022
Partnering to Provide Every Advantage
Guiding Principles & Core Values
Network Child Care Services (Network) partners to provide every advantage for families through the provision of exceptional early learning and development experiences for their children so they all have the same opportunity to thrive and be fulfilled as part of a community of diverse needs.
- All children deserve an equal advantage to thrive physically, emotionally, and intellectually because their early experiences and development are so important to them leading happy and productive lives.
- We need to respect that families have the most important understanding of and perspective on their children and their requirements.
- When families don’t have the capacity to provide equal advantage, resources need to be available so that children still have access to them.
- Evidence-based research should determine what is best for childhood development.
- Our knowledge and training are always current, which require continuous commitment as there is constant innovation and research-based initiatives.
- We believe that to act with integrity, we must maintain the following principled values:
- Accountability
- Diversity
- Inclusiveness
- Equity
Network operates and delivers services and programs guided by a shared belief in core values including:
- Providing exceptional services to children, families, and communities to meet their requirements.
- Collaborating with families as integral partners in their child’s development, learning and education choices.
- Dedication of its educators and affiliated home child care providers, and recognizing their professional contribution, continued professional development and commitment in fulfilling Network’s purpose.
- Promoting mutual respect, diversity, inclusiveness, and equity in all its practices, services, and decision-making processes.
- Maintaining integrity and dignity in all its services, practices, and operations.
- Partnering with community organizations as providers of resources and support aids.
- We have been in operation for over 30 years.
- Governments, school boards and other social welfare agencies view us as an integral partner in the delivery of child care services.
- We operate 20 licensed child care centres across the city, and we consult 110 home child care programs across the GTA.
- Network is regulated by various government agencies. We observe all regulatory requirements, and hire people with the appropriate qualifications to execute our programs.
- We have the internal expertise to develop programs and also include outside consults so that we are always on the leading edge of early childhood development.
- We participate in research, advocacy and initiatives that advance early childhood development, as well as sit on various committees for municipal, provincial, federal, and international institutions.
Board President’s and Executive Director’s Report

Children at Jubilee Child Care Centre
In reflecting on the 2022 calendar year for Network Child Care Services (Network), this year marked a momentous turning point for families and the child care sector across Canada.
With the announcement of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Plan (CWELCC) and its fruition, Canadian families will enjoy an average fee rate of ten dollars per day for regulated licensed child care, to be realized by the end of 2025. In the meantime, reductions have begun as of 2022, and families currently pay 52.75% of the original base child care fee.
The Federal Government’s significant $30 billion investment will ensure that every child has the best start in life. In March 2022, Ontario was the final province to sign onto CWELCC changing the child care landscape. It was a fantastic year!
With this renewed hope, Network continued to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic as restrictions throughout the City of Toronto began to ease. Network managed all the necessary health protocols and established the Personal Protective App for families to allow for self-screening, in order to support the health and well-being of all children throughout Network’s programs.
Communication tools with families during the COVID-19 pandemic brought about the launch of Storypark in the summer of 2021 and expanded its use in 2022. This new app provides timely updates to all family members of children who are cared for within Network’s Centres. Educators and centre supervisors are easily able to communicate with families who have subscribed to the app. It is hoped that in the coming year, this unique app will be expanded to include Network’s affiliated home child care providers as this technology becomes commonplace throughout all child care settings within Network.
By the summer of 2022, Network formally “opted in” to the CWELCC plan as part of the requested offering from the City of Toronto Children’s Services. This secured Network’s commitment to delivering affordable child care rates to families of young children.
In refining Network’s commitment to families, the Organization embarked on a Blueprint process. The Blueprint is a comprehensive framework of the Organization’s structure, core values, guiding principles, and integral deliverable elements. This exercise permitted the condensing of a distinct message to families that encompasses Network’s purpose statement: “Partnering to provide every advantage”. By partnering with families, stakeholders, and other child care organizations to provide a complete safety net for children, Network ensures that they have all the advantages of nutrition, care, education, health, and emotional development which research and societal trends tend to suggest.
As autumn approached, Network learned the fortunate news that the Organization had been selected to operate the new St. Bartholomew Child Care Centre to be located within St. Bartholomew Catholic Elementary School. This twentieth location will emerge as Network’s largest child care site, caring for more than one hundred children per day. Network continues to appreciate and thank the Toronto Catholic District School Board as this eighth location speaks to a long and respectful collaboration.
In terms of operational development, Network’s ongoing commitment to continually assessing and elevating every aspect of the operations is a core component of our efforts to provide quality support for families and theirchildren. This is demonstrated by the various projects organized by Network’s management throughout 2022-23. To elevate Network’s programs, Network has partnered with Pedagogy Specialist Susan Menchinton who provides support and coaching for our educators in program delivery, with an eye to introducing fresh and scientifically supported program initiatives which further enhance and empower children.
In 2022, Network underwent a comprehensive IT and Cyber Security assessment conducted by BDO, to ensure that current practices and procedures are in place, to maintain and enhance its digital environment, and technology capabilities. Network has also partnered with BDO Lixar to engage in a ‘Modern Workplace Technology Assessment’ to formulate a roadmap for introducing software that simplifies its intake process and create internal protocols for quicker communication and digital record keeping for families.
Finally, to ensure organizational stability and growth, Network is in the process of initiating a Strategic Planning initiative as a roadmap for the expansion of services, with the goal of delivering quality care to a broader spectrum of families and creating a stable environment for our staff to thrive.
In continuing to plan for Network’s future growth, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the ongoing assistance and support and express our gratitude to the Ministry of Education, the City of Toronto Children’s Services, and the Toronto Catholic District School Board.
We would also like to extend our most sincere thanks and appreciation to all families who have trusted Network to care for their children. Their confidence in our programs, our educators, the affiliated home child care providers and staff, has been most impactful to Network’s success.
Finally, a very heartfelt thank you to Network’s Board of Directors and Advisors for their thoughtful insight and committed leadership, as well as all the individuals and community partners who have contributed to Network’s advancement over the past year! As our Organization reflected on 2022, we at Network remain evermore committed to delivering safe child care of the highest possible caliber throughout all our programs.

Stephen Males, Board President

Spyros Volonakis, Executive Director
2022 Highlights

2022 National Child Care Plan
On March 28, 2022, Ontario signed the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) agreement. This agreement will lower fees for parents and provide more accessible and high-quality child care for Ontario families. Starting in 2022, there would be several stages in reductions of child care fees, that will ultimately result in an average of $10-a-day by September 2025. The agreement also included the creation of 86,000 new licensed child care spaces, as well support new early childhood educators and improve compensation for Registered Early Childhood Educators in licensed child care programs.

Network Website Refresh
In 2022, Network revitalized its website by modernizing the graphics, updating various information throughout the site, and above all making it more user-friendly and improving the navigation. The site underwent changes to be more visually pleasing, by greatly reducing the copy and replacing photos with ones that have a more colourful representation of Network’s programs and services. Additionally, changes were made to our mobile website experience, where users can see more information in the palm of their hand. Overall, we were able to eliminate technological barriers for families, to make their search for child care the most accessible experience possible.

Integrated Digital COVID-19 Screening
In late 2021, Network partnered with Go Evo, to implement their Personal Protective App across all of Network’s programs in 2022. This app is a COVID-19 screening application for Network staff, and parents of children to self-screen themselves before attending child care. With this implementation, parents were able to avoid long queues outside their respective child care centres, as well give Network staff more time and availability to serve other areas of their centres. The integration and use of the Personal Protective App reduced paperwork, labour force and greatly improved efficiency when screening our children and staff.

First In-Person Symposium Since 2019
For the first time since 2019, Network presented an annual Symposium for the affiliated Home Child Care Providers on Saturday, November 12, 2022, and for staff on Saturday, November 19, 2022, at the Novotel Hotel, North York. At both Symposiums, we provided updates on Network’s programs and services underlying the organization’s vision for the upcoming year. Additionally, instructors from Fundamentals of Play presented workshops on Emotional Intelligence on November 12th and Teamwork on November 19th. The workshops certainly empowered the participants with knowledge and skills to bring back to their various programs. These Symposiums were well received by all who attended, and all were quite enthusiastic in seeing each other again in person.

IT & Cyber Security Assessment
In 2022, Network underwent a comprehensive IT and Cyber Security assessment conducted by BDO, to ensure that current practices and procedures are in place, to maintain and enhance its digital environment and technology capabilities. BDO provided useful key insights, considerations, and recommendations to reinvigorate a forward-looking focus, to meet ongoing changes in service and regulatory expectations. Additionally, BDO conducted an assessment as to how Network could modernize the use of technology in its programs and services.

Network’s Blueprint
In May 2022, Network completed the Blueprint process facilitated by leadership coach Ian Chamandy. The Blueprint is now a comprehensive framework of the Organization’s structure, core values, guiding principles, and integral deliverable elements.
Network’s purpose is: Partnering to provide every advantage.
- Every parent wants their child to thrive physically, emotionally, and intellectually so that they lead a happy and productive life.
- It often creates stress and anxiety for parents when they are unsure of how to provide everything their children need for cognitive, emotional, social, language, and physical development.
- Every child should have equal advantages so that they have the same opportunity to develop, thrive and be fulfilled.
- Network partners with families and other child care organizations and stakeholders, to provide a complete safety net for children, ensuring that they have all the advantages of nutrition, care, education, health, and emotional development which research and societal trends tend to suggest.
Network contracted consultant Brenda Dee, who, in collaboration with staff, implemented the Blueprint framework throughout the Organization’s policies, procedures, social media platforms, and related documents.
Extensive & Inclusive Online Training Opportunities
2022 was a year of learnings & continuing education for us all. Network partnered with numerous organizations to bring its staff and affiliated Home Child Care Providers various topics of interest so that our workforce is knowledgeable in key elements within our sector. The below is a brief outline of what the staff and affiliated Home Child Care Providers learned in 2022.
Network firmly believes in the value of continuing education and learning throughout the year. The skills we learn and apply into our professional and personal lives benefit those around us, and those who we interact with on a daily basis. For a glimpse at our full Continuing Education Review for 2022, please click here.
Series presenters including
- Registered Nurse Consultant, Mary Kate Asante-Antwi
- Early Childhood Community Development Centre
- Susan Menchinton,
- Workshop Associates
- Indigenous Perspectives Society
- The Macaulay Centre
- Link to Life Seminars:
- First Aid & CPR Training
- Toni Giovanni, Resource Consultant, Macaulay Child Development Centre
- Humber City Wide Training
Months of training
spanning from January 19 to November 16, 2022
Participants attended
Sessions with topics including
- Childhood Diabetes
- Celebrating Black History Month within Early Learning and Child Care Programs
- Keeping Children Safe
- Annual Policy and Procedure Review
- Indigenous Gifts
- LookSee Screening Tool
- First Aid & CPR Training
- Calming Environment for Providers
- A Learning Information Evening
- Seizures/Epilepsy Training
for Providers
2022 Year In Numbers

Training hours

Centre locations

Number of languages spoken

Number of Staff

Hours of service delivered

Number of affiliated providers

Children served in HCC and CCC

Child care spaces
“I appreciate the benefits of a smaller family setting in keeping our kids healthy and giving them a chance to interact with other children of all ages to teach them valuable life skills that will help them throughout their lives.”
—Shira G., Parent with Provider Yolanda
“Thank you so much for all of your hardwork and dedication that you give to Dontae and all of the other children. I could not be more pleased with his progress and enjoyment to come to daycare everyday. You are appreciated.”
—Dontae’s family, Parents from Bendale Acres Child Care Centre
"Our little one was 14 months old when they started with Selam, had just begun dropping to one nap, and had never spent much time away from their parents. Selam helped us and our baby navigate this big transition with calm and patience. Before we knew it, they were sleeping easily at nap time and were excited to arrive at day care!”
—Mark M., Parent with Provider Selam
“My son has been at Network’s St. Victor location since he was in JK. He is now in Grade 3. The staff is wonderful & very caring. As a family, we are thankful for the staff who are always available to chat and always ensure that my son is included and valued. My son loves going to the After School Program!
—Regen, Parent from St. Victor School Before & After Child Care Program
“Dane Child Care Centre is so warm and welcoming. The staff are so friendly and loving to our kids. The relationship that they build with them is so amazing to see. Nothing better to hear when you pick up your child is that they miss the Teacher they were just with and can’t wait to go back the next day.”
—Paola S., Parent from Dane Avenue Early Years Learning & Child Care Centre

Children at Bendale Child Care Centre
“My daughter started attending Cristina’s home daycare in January 2022 and the service has indeed been fantastic. Cristina has been very caring, positive, attentive, generous, hospitable and loves our daughter dearly."
—Tosin, Parent with Provider Cristina
“My child has been with Helan since she was 16 months old and autistic.. Helan reassured me that she could organize extra support resources, and my daughter would benefit with a smaller number of children and lots of one-on-one interactions. Within a month after the resource consultant started our daughter was using the toilet on her own, as well playing and interacting with other childrenWe realized that with a dedicated provider and agency resources home childcare was the best option for our little girl. We are so grateful to Helan.”
—Anonymous, Parent with Provider Helan
“We can’t express how much we appreciate everything you do to help Wyatt. He has learned so much in the past year and that is thanks to you all. All the time and patience you give him (and us!!) does not go unnoticed. We are forever grateful he has a place to go that he is safe and happy.”
—Wyatt’s family, Parents from Bendale Acres Child Care Centre
“I want to thank you, Fardoshi, Mohana and Lily for the amazing work you all are doing, and we though it will be hard for Taksh to get settled but it’s been an easy transformation for him and for us. All thanks to you and your team for all the fantastic work you guys are doing. Thank you very much.”
—Taksh’s family, Parents from Bendale Acres Child Care Centre
“Lula’s home has nice toys that are organized on shelves, and the bins have labels. She even provided individual boxes for each child that holds their creative art supplies, and they are within reach anytime my girls want to do an art project.”
—Anonymous, Parent with Provider Lula
“I am grateful for the love, care, kindness and support that Bendale Acres Child Care Centre has shown and continues to show towards my daughter and I. She just turned 2 and she always surprises me with the new skills and abilities she learns from school. I am thankful for everyone who has helped her grow into who she is today.”
—Octavia’s mom, Parent from Bendale Acres Child Care Centre
"My child has been with provider Malyoun for three years since he was an infant. He loves going to Malyoun’s home whom he calls “auntie” like one of the family. Malyoun makes delicious home-made Somalian soup, and this is a comfort to my son who is used to our cultural foods."
—Anonymous, Parent with Provider Malyoun

2023 Initiatives
Staff IT Training
Network will partner with Fast Lane, an IT training company to provide Supervisors, Assistant Supervisors, admin staff, Accounting and Management with a series of twelve in-person and virtual IT training sessions, for a total of three sessions per employee.
The training will focus on Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Outlook, and Excel, with the aim of supporting employees to feel more confident and empowered using Network’s designated software on a day-to-day basis.
Network will integrate a new email system called Mailchimp. Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing tool to send emails to our various audiences (such as families, staff and affiliated home child care providers). This tool will enable Network to better manage its email communications, audiences, as well present content in a more visually pleasing and efficient manner. Additionally, utilizing Mailchimp will enable Network’s contacts the option to “opt out” of communications if they no longer attend Network. This is a requirement under Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL).
Network’s Newest Location: St. Bartholomew Child Care Centre
It is with great excitement that Network won the proposal to operate the St. Bartholomew Child Care Centre located within the St. Bartholomew Catholic Elementary School located at 51 Heather Road, Scarborough.
The 161-space Child Care Centre is designed for 10 infant spaces, 15 toddler spaces, 24 preschool-age children spaces; and the Before and After School Program is licensed and operating in shared space classrooms for 52 Kindergarten and 60 School-age children.
This will be Network’s largest location to date. Network management will be visiting the site throughout 2022 and 2023 and working hard behind the scenes to prepare opening the centre as soon as occupancy is granted.
Full Time Pedagogist (Susan Menchinton)
Network contracted Susan Menchinton to be Pedagogy Specialist and Storypark Lead in support of Network’s Centre Educators, Affiliated Home Child Care Providers and management. Susan’s role will involve a thorough review of Network’s pedagogical practice in the early years, before and after school and home child care programs, with a concentration on further aligning program delivery in these locations to Ministry and City of Toronto AQI standards.
Her work will also involve developing standards and training to fully utilize the Storypark application across all programs. She will also chair a number of new initiatives within the organization to research and implement best practices from across the sector. She will continue to deliver Centre-based and Home Child Care workshops in her role as Network’s main in-house trainer.
Jasmine Aitken
Jasmine Aitken has been with Network since its inception in 1991, on a part-time basis to support our Board of Directors and Management. Effective in 2023, Jasmine will retire from her role as a Teacher with the TDSB and work at Network on a full-time basis.
Jasmine will continue to be responsible for the work which she has maintained with Network’s Board of Directors along with other special projects, allowing her to work to a greater degree with Network’s Team.
Financial Highlights
Year ending December 31, 2022
• Grant Revenue (46.3%) $11,968,970
• Subsidized Child Care Fees (35.8%) $9,258,420
• Child Care Fees (17.2%) $4,447,665
• Other Revenue (0.8%) $202,714
Total Revenue $25,877,769
• Salaries and Benefits (64.1%) $14,557,275
• Provider & Contractor Fees (14.1%) $3,204,217
• Occupancy Costs (8.0%) $1,816,093
• Program (4.3%) $966,878
• Food (4.0%) $901,706
• Office & Administrative (3.0%) $680,185
• Amortization (2.6%) $582,905
Total Expenses $22,709,259
Excess of Revenue Over Expenses from Operations Before Other Items - $3,168,510
Other Items: Funding Adjustment - $223,021
Excess of Revenue Over Expenses for the Year - $2,945,489
Note: Copies of financial statements audited by KRP LLP Chartered Professional Accountants, may be provided upon request. As per the Toronto Children’s Services Audit and Budget guidelines, an excess of revenue over expenses in an Agency’s fiscal year that exceeds 10% of allowable revenue may result in a funding recovery if it is determined that an overpayment has occurred.
Staff Members/Providers
Nasra Abdi
Aziza Abdulaziz
Shahina Sa Afroze
Hossain Munni
Marlon Agard
Jasmine Aitken
Zewditu Akele
Nahida Akter
Mosa Nazma Akter
Heyam Al Tarsha
Maria Alberga
Shernell Alleyne
Cheridainne Almazan
Fatima Al-Setri
Isabel Alvarez
Aida Antony
Roshini Arithas
Arineh Armenakpour
Nasreen Asif
Shahairazaad Bacchus
Ericka Divine Bael
Cindy Marcela
Banguero Serrano
Mariama Bangura
Padma Banjade
Ana Baptista
Mariam Baroi
Amaneh Barzegari
Tianna Beggs
Celeste Benjamin
Yongzhu Bi
Jessica Calouro
Brianna Campbell
Danielle Campbell
Jennifer Carter
Maria Castaneda
Shu Yi Cen
Jacqueline Cervoni
Yuk-Ying Chan
Wing Chan
Chin Yao Chang
Keturah Charles-Rogers
Carla Maria Chavarria
Yan Lan Chen
Kangzhen Chen
Stephanie Chin
Yu Chung
Cynthia Clarke
Gloria Corloncito
Virginia Cuadro
Celine Cummings
Sophia Curto
Reetu Daddar
Barbara De Cicco
Anabela De Melo
Loretta Delos Angeles
Harsha Desai
Edna Dioneda
Melany Dogino
Kelli-Ann Duggan
Anita Dukharan
Thelma Dumaquion
Gregory Duma’s
Alloris Oneka Dyer
Petall Edwards
Wendy Elejalde
Vincent Elumba
Fallona English
Selamawit Estifanos
Maureen Rose Everatt
Juecong Fang
Piera Fasulo
Tasneem Fatima
Mei Xia Feng
Anecia Ferguson
Yuen Fei Cindy Fong
Diane Frias
Amanda Fulton
Aubrey Gablan
Megan Mae
Kyriaki Georgiou
Amber Giroux
Fanouria Gkizali
Maria Granato
Shirnette Green
Amanda Grieszler
Juvelyn Grospe
Italia Lisa Guarini
Tiffany Michelle
Teri Harley
Lital Harris
Brianca Henry-Witter
Shari-Ann Holmes
Fei Fei Huang
Li Xiu Huang
Fardoshi Islam
Nastaran Jami
Anushi Jay
Rachael John
Dimitra Kampyli
Lucy Kapocho
Rebekka Karimi
Maria Katsigarakis
Davinder Kaur
Manpreet Kaur
Manpreet Kaur
Shanice Keane
Sakineh Khalilinejad
Kamrun Khan
Ara Rowson Khanam
Laya Khatamian
Selamawit Kidane
Panayiota Kintis
Maleeha Ladha
Ntesara Langkozi
Maribel Leon
Jacqueline Levy
Cuiyi Li
Mingyu Cherrie Li
Lindita Lika
Min Yan Lin
Natalie Lloyd
Irma Joan
Leanne Lowes
Maria Lychnaki
Joy Lyttle
Effie Jane Maclean
Athenna Magno
Min Yu Mai
Christina Michelle
Amor Mangubat
Whiza Anne Maramba
Ana Maravilla
Luciana Marino
Emely Mazariegos
Arta Mici
Marzieh Miri
Taeko Mizukami
Hong Mei Mo
Christina Modopoulos
Aneesah Mohamed
Arminda Joyce Mora
Mohana Mylvaganam
Manveer Kaur Nehal
Trishelle Sashauna
Gabriel Sheung
Yan Ng
Kwanele BH Nkambule
Hajjar Nour
Angela Oropeza Diaz
Jane Otero
Sally Medeiros
Patricia Pacheco
Inthuja Packiaraja
Dianne Palhinha
Nick Pappas
Deomattie Persaud
Ivorie A Pinto
Nisha Pitroda
Kahseendah Pompey
Rehana Akter Popy
Diana Powell
Julie Poya-Lama
Leonora Prado
Jennielyn Puon
Sayida Binish Qadir
Tanvir Quader
Zohniyya Qutub
Kimberley Redhead
Wilma Regala
Raven Olivia Reid
May Revesencio
Hedda Reyes
Monica Richardson
Pina Rinella-Papp
Amber Ritchie
Erika Andrea
Santana Vanegas
Blessi Santiago
Francesca Santoro
Debbie Seerattan
Yanje Sherpa
Minji Shin
Agata Siczek
Marlene Silva - Armas
Sonia Laurell Simon
Aurelia Simon
Sandhya Singh
Kerian Smith
Tomislava Stanisic
Vanessa Sterling
Nadia Stirpe-Georgiou
Stellina Alexandra
Ai Hua Su
Kanya Thapa
Atiya Thomas
Sangyal Tsogyal
Pamela Tugade
Zilan Uzunkodalak
Luis Varessis
Jessie Vickery
Nanette Villarba
Hoang Phuong
Thao Vo
Spiridon Volonakis
Effie Vrazalis
Manju Wagle Paudel
Andrea Walker
Serena Walker
Lei Wan
Chong Wen Wang
Elma Wedderburn
Hiu Laam Wong
Karen Ho Lam Wong
Xiuming Wu
Wei-Ning Wu
Qing Feng Wu
Fang Xiao
Fen Yao
Jianyi Ye
Hao Yin
Tenzin Yingsel
Hyun Kyung Yoon
Arlene Youngsam
Pui Yuen Yu
Hibo Yusuf
Ishrat Zahan
Aygun Zargari
Anila Zemblaku
Yanfeng Zhou
Directors and Officers
President: Stephen Males, LL.B
Secretary: Minodora Grigorescu, M.Ed.
Treasurer: Nick Tsimidis, CPA
Director: Bob Monteiro, BA
Director: Rachael Simser, MA
Past President: Stan Smyer, BA
Spyros Volonakis
Business, Financial and Program Advisors
Andrea Young, RD
BDO Canada, LLP
Douglas R. Varty CPA, CA
Hunter Consultants
Chartered Accountants (Auditors)
KRP LLP Chartered Professional Accountants
Legal Advisors
WeirFoulds LLP
Crawford Chondon & Partners LLP
Rae Christen Jeffries LLP
Iryna M. Iwachiw BPA, LLB. l.I.M
Management Team
Jasmine Aitken
Maria Katsigarakis
Christina Michelle Malakovski
Nadia Stirpe
Luis Varessis
Lei Wan
Sahra Abdi
Shamso Mohamed Abdi
Khamar Abdinoor
Faiza Abdulkadir
Hayat Abdulla
Saynab Abdullahi
Safia Abdullahi
Hamdi Adam
Suddis Aden
Juharra Abdule Ahmed
Hindo Ahmed
Fozia Ahmed
Nazli Ali
Tahani Ali
Hawa Ali
Mareah Anwar
Freba Azizullah
Samim Badat
Safiya Badat
Nimo Nuh Bile
Maria Borges
Shaneeza Yvonne Buchana
Julia Chavez
Zahro Da Quane
Mariam Darman
Carmen De Melo
Maria DeFreitas
Seylon Dirie
Teresa Domingos
Rita Evans Sealy
Zahra Farah
Selam Ghebrenegus
Yordanos Habte
Shukri Haji
Maryam Hassan
Marian Hussein
Ekaran Hussein
Ubax Aden Isak
Shamim Ara Islam
Iman Mohamed Ismail
Kaltom Ahmed Isse
Amina Abdi Jama
Sathyananthy Jeevakanathan
Sarah Antonia Joseph
Jacqueline Keane
Helaten Kefle
Nessa Kelly Ann
Dorothy Kessie
Kawser Khan
Yeasmin Ara Khanam
Carol Magly Limas
Muneera Mahmood
Maritza Martinez
Saron Mengstu
Malyoun Dahir Meraneh
Ruta Mesfin
Helan Miah
Joan Modeste
Suhira Mohamed
Farhia Mohamed
Farhia Husien Mohamed
Dunia Farah Mohamed
Hamso Mohamed
Sofia Mohamud
Fartun Mohamud
Shukri Mohamud
Mariam Omoyemi Murphy
Fatuma Mussa
Faduma Mohamed Nur
Kin Abdi Nur
Fardowsa Omar
Fatima Omar
Lula Osman Omar
Sadia Osman
Maria Pacheco
Rowena Parbu
Cristina Pardo
Saajida Pathan
Maria Penacho
Lilowatie Persaud
Pearl QuashRussell
Judith Rasuki
Teresa Renda
Mulki Said
Seydy Salinas
Hodan Samatar
Ibrahim Samira
Helen Samuel
Ramona Sanchez
Shamkhumarie Seebachan
Aasiyah Shaikh
Rahel Mamo Siber
Aisha Siddiqa
Humera Siddiqi
Colleen Carla Sutton
Salem Yohannes Syum
Bithi Talukder
Kisanet Tesfahuney
Luna Mengistu Tewelde
Angelina Valdez
Yolanda Valencia
Nafisa Varachhia
Hamida Moosaji Varachhia
Alice Warren
Fadumo Yusuf Warsame
Maritza Wong
Amal Yacob
Amino Yalahow
Fathiya Yusuf
Maryan Yusuf

Ontario Ministry of Education
City of Toronto Children’s Services
Toronto District Catholic School Board
Canadian Child Care Federation
Home Child Care Association of Toronto (HCCAT)
Macaulay Child Development Centre
Mothercraft College
Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care
Ontario Studies in Education (OISE)
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre
Quality Early Learning Network (QELN))