Annual Report 2023
The Optimal Advantage For Every Child Begins Here!
Photo: Children at Bendale Child Care Centre
Purpose, Guiding Principles & Core Values
Network Child Care Services (Network) partners to provide every advantage for families through the provision of exceptional early learning and development experiences for their children so they all have the same opportunity to thrive and be fulfilled as part of a community of diverse needs.
- All children deserve an equal advantage to thrive physically, emotionally, and intellectually because their early experiences and development are so important to them leading happy and productive lives.
- We respect that families have the most important understanding of and perspective on their children and their requirements.
- When families don’t have the capacity to provide equal advantage, resources need to be available so that children still have access to them.
- Evidence-based research should determine what is best for childhood development.
- Our knowledge and training are always current, which require continuous commitment as there is constant innovation and research-based initiatives.
- We believe that to act with integrity, we must maintain the following principled values: Accountability, Diversity, Inclusiveness, Equity.
Network operates and delivers services and programs guided by a shared belief in core values including:
- Providing exceptional services to children, families, and communities to meet their requirements.
- Collaborating with families as integral partners in their child’s development, learning and education choices.
- Dedication of its educators and affiliated home child care providers, and recognizing their professional contribution, continued professional development and commitment in fulfilling Network’s purpose.
- Promoting mutual respect, diversity, inclusiveness, and equity in all its practices, services, and decision-making processes.
- Maintaining integrity and dignity in all its services, practices, and operations.
- Partnering with community organizations as providers of resources and support aids.
- We have been in operation for over 30 years.
- Governments, school boards and other social welfare agencies view us as an integral partner in the delivery of child care services.
- We operate 20 licensed child care centres across Toronto, and we consult 110 home child care programs.
- Network is regulated by various government agencies. We observe all regulatory requirements, and hire people with the appropriate qualifications to execute our programs.
- We have the internal expertise to develop programs, as well as collaborating with external professionals so that we are always on the leading edge of early childhood development.
- We participate in research, advocacy and initiatives that advance early childhood development, as well as sit on various committees for municipal, provincial, federal, and international institutions.
In our Programs, we all belong. Together we all get along.
Photo: Children learning at Holy Cross Child Care Centre
Board President's & Executive Director's Report

Children at St. Nicholas Child Care Centre
The 2023 calendar year for Network Child Care Services (Network), remained a steadfast time period of incremental growth and expansion. Building on gained successes, Network has continued to deliver early years and child care programs to young children and families as the child care sectors across Canada fully embraced the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Plan (CWELCC).
The Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Plan (CWELCC) has continued to offer Canadian families significant reductions in child care fees as we strive for an average fee rate of ten dollars per day for regulated licensed child care, to be realized by the end of 2025.
With the COVID-19 pandemic securely in the past, along with the benefits of the CWELCC plan, 2023 brought an increase in the number of children and families returning to in-person activities. Families continued to actively seek child care which created an influx of enrollment for all of Network’s Child Care Centres.
Communication with families is a key contributor to the successes which Network attained in 2023. As the increase in enrollment took place, so did the reliance on Storypark, which remains Network’s primary electronic communication tool over the past two years with families throughout all of Network’s Child Care Centres. This application continues to provide timely updates to all family members of children who are cared for within Network’s Centres. Educators and centre supervisors are easily able to communicate with families who have subscribed to the app offering updates of each child’s experiences throughout her/his day.
By the spring of 2023, Network was excited to learn that it had been selected to operate its twentieth child care program located within the St. Bartholomew Catholic Elementary School. In continuing Network’s collaboration with the Toronto Catholic District School Board, this new site will offer both a centre-based program along with a Before & After School program.
With summer quickly transitioning to autumn, Network’s Board of Directors elected Bob Monteiro as its new President and Rachael Simser as its new Vice President. The Board of Directors heartwarmingly thanked Stephen Males for his years of service as Network’s President, and we were pleased that Stephen would continue to remain on Network’s Board of Directors.
Further successes were achieved in 2023 as Network began to implement its comprehensive information technology and cyber security assessments which had been identified the
year before.
In continuing to deliver Network’s enhanced programs and services as well as planning for future growth and development, we would like to acknowledge the ongoing assistance and support of the Ministry of Education, the City of Toronto Children’s Services, and the Toronto Catholic District School Board and express our gratitude.
We would also like to extend our most sincere thanks and appreciation to all families who have trusted Network to care for their children. Their confidence in our programs, our educators, the affiliated home child care providers, and staff, has been most impactful.
At this juncture, we would like to acknowledge Network’s dedicated educators, staff, and affiliated home child care providers who have staunchly committed themselves, each and every day, to delivering exceptional care to young children and families.
Finally, a very heartfelt thank you to Network’s Board of Directors and Advisors for their thoughtful insight and committed leadership, as well as the management team and the community partners who have contributed to Network’s advancement over the past year! As our Organization reflected on 2023, we at Network remain steadfastly committed to delivering exceptional child care services of the highest possible caliber throughout all our programs.
Bob Monteiro,
Board President
Spyros Volonakis,
Executive Director
2023 Highlights

Educators at Network Centre Staff 2023 Symposium

The 2023 Symposiums for Affiliated Child Care Providers and Centre Staff of Network Educators took place in November 2023 at the Novotel Hotel North York, centered around the theme of “innovating, elevating, and excelling.” This gathering was a testament to Network’s commitment to progress and providing top-tier licensed child care services, emphasizing the pursuit of excellence as a daily goal.
This event’s organization was spearheaded by Jennifer Benjamin (Communications and Special Events Coordinator) alongside Isabela Solis-Lozano (Executive Assistant) and Susan Menchinton (Pedagogy Specialist).
Both Symposiums commenced with opening remarks by Network’s Executive Director, Spyros Volonakis, Marissa Tapangco, a district consultant from Toronto Children’s Services, and a representative from Network’s Board of Directors. Throughout the event, attendees had the opportunity to engage in, including insights from Network’s Management Team, Home Care Providers and Staff. The event concluded with an interactive innovation workshop conducted by Fundamentals of Play.
This event highlighted Network’s commitment to the well-being of its educators and affiliated home child care providers, serving as an expression of gratitude for their contributions towards the young children and families. As Network continues to strive for excellence, the hope is that its educators and affiliated home child care providers will likewise thrive in their professional environments.
2023 in Storypark Growth
New Lead Position
Susan Menchinton took on the role as Storypark Lead to help increase parent uptake of this family communication platform and boost staff usage across all sites. Network was also ready to expand into other key Storypark features.
Additional Storypark Features
Network staff began to use Storypark’s Community Posts and Child Notes features on a regular basis by July 2023 and moved all paper documentation for daily feeding, toileting/diapering records, and sleep checks to the digital Routines feature in Storypark by September 2023. The Storypark Lead delivered training sessions and created regular bulletins to help guide practice in these new areas.
Standardizing Storypark Use
The Lead gathered current on-site experiences and challenges, and looked at Storypark best practices, working closely with the platform’s quality assurance advisors and trainers. A plan was developed to set Network standards for the number and style of child Stories and other communication tools, write an Educator’s Guide, and deliver a variety of training sessions to support staff skills. Information was gathered for management on device requirements and technical support needs. Standardization training was completed by May 2023 and all sites were on goal by August 2023.

Added Support
A Storypark Advisory Committee with the Lead, selected Supervisors and a Program Manager was created to provide feedback on these changes and to plan for future Storypark use. The Lead also started a Storypark Ambassador Program with a dedicated staff member in each location to support use of existing features, help train new staff and participate in launching new initiatives.
Other 2023 Storypark Projects
Network participated in a webinar series on Staff Retention and featured in a Storypark Case Study on how to launch the platform as a multiple site organization, sharing our process for staff skill-building. Network also partnered with Storypark to beta test their advanced reporting function and a new attendance feature.
2023 in Program Support
New Advisory Position
Network created an advisory position to support quality Program Delivery across the agency. Our Pedagogy Specialist, Susan Menchinton undertook a review of current practice and academic precepts and developed a plan for needed program revisions.

Program Plan Templates
Existing Program Plans for Early Years Centres, Before and After School Programs and Home Child Care premises were updated with changes to the Assessment for Quality Improvement (AQI) and with new sector standards in diversity support, transitions and outdoor programming. A six-month process was undertaken to completely convert all sites to using these new plans, including digital options, with training series for all staff and Providers. Additionally, a Program Advisory Committee was established with Supervisors and Program Managers to help choose areas that needed attention, gather best practice solutions, and create resources to further support program delivery.
Site Visits
The Pedagogy Specialist made site visits to all Early Years and B&A locations to personally support staff in incorporating the new program elements and to advise on behaviour guidance practice in the field. Feedback from these visits helped guide decisions on training and workshop topics for the remainder of 2023-24.
Ambassador Program
The Pedagogy Specialist created the Ambassador Program, a mentorship process that identifies staff within Centres that have specific skills to share with peers. The first of these groups to launch was the Growers Club, currently with 22 members across 18 sites, whose role is to engage with children, families and peers in nature-centered experiences that encourage connection to the natural environment, both inside and outside. Ambassadors attend quarterly meetings and experiment with scheduled monthly projects, outdoor enhancement programs, Greening the Interior, Living Walls and other initiatives related to this program.

Network’s Newest Location: St. Bartholomew Before & After School Child Care Program
Network was very excited to begin its operations of the St. Bartholomew Before & After School Child Care Program located within the St. Bartholomew Catholic Elementary School situated at 51 Heather Road, Scarborough late in September 2023. This site will also welcome the St. Bartholomew Child Care Centre which will be designed to accommodate 10 infant spaces, 15 toddler spaces, 24 preschool-age children spaces in September 2024.
Network’s Pedagogy Specialist and Storypark Lead
During 2023, Network’s Pedagogy Specialist and Storypark Lead, Susan Menchinton, supported Network’s Supervisors, Educators, Affiliated Home Child Care Providers and Management with a wide variety of initiatives geared to improving overall program delivery. Susan’s role involved a thorough review of Network’s pedagogical practice in the early years, before and after school and home child care programs, with a concentration on further aligning program delivery in these locations to Ministry and City of Toronto AQI standards. Her work also involved developing standards and training to fully utilize the Storypark application across all programs. Susan also began the Growers’ Club which allowed children throughout a select number of Network’s Centres to begin to experience the process of growing plants. This delightful initiative will continue throughout 2024 in partnership with Green Valley Landscaping in bringing a little bit of “the country to the city” in select Centres.
Network’s Pedagogy Specialist and Storypark Lead
During 2023, Network’s Pedagogy Specialist and Storypark Lead, Susan Menchinton, supported Network’s Supervisors, Educators, Affiliated Home Child Care Providers and Management with a wide variety of initiatives geared to improving overall program delivery. Susan’s role involved a thorough review of Network’s pedagogical practice in the early years, before and after school and home child care programs, with a concentration on further aligning program delivery in these locations to Ministry and City of Toronto AQI standards. Her work also involved developing standards and training to fully utilize the Storypark application across all programs. Susan also began the Growers’ Club which allowed children throughout a select number of Network’s Centres to begin to experience the process of growing plants. This delightful initiative will continue throughout 2024 in partnership with Green Valley Landscaping in bringing a little bit of “the country to the city” in select Centres.
2023 Human Resources Activities

Health and Safety
In 2023, Network continued to develop and provide training to the Health and Safety Committees across all departments. Training included H&S Representative Certificate training, and Joint H&S Certification for Supervisors and staff in larger workplaces that requires certified members under Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) regulations. The dedicated members of the committee create and maintain safe work environment by implementing and monitoring policies, procedures and programs, identifying current or potential safety issues in the workplace, and makes recommendation for solutions.
Performance Review on ADP
An annual performance review was introduced using the ADP platform, as part of Network’s commitment to providing regular feedback, supporting professional development, and promoting fairness and transparency. The review included an Employee Self-Evaluation followed by a Supervisor/Manager evaluation. Together, they reviewed core job competencies and evaluated job performance. The process aimed to be fair and balanced, allowing employees to discuss goals, skills, accomplishments, and set expectations for the year. Network thanks all employees for their participation.

Employment Legislation
In 2023, the Ontario government passed the Working for Workers Act, amending the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA), Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), and Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA). The Act introduced new regulations to address workplace concerns and modernize workplaces, including changes to definitions in the ESA and OHSA. In response, Network implemented the required Disconnecting from Work Policy and Electronic Monitoring Policy.
2023 Year in Numbers
Training Hours
Centre Locations
Languages Spoken
Hours of Service
Affiliated Providers
Children Served (HCC & CCC)
Child Care Spaces

Ossington North Child Care Centre
2024 Initiatives

New Child Care Centre Site
Network Child Care Services (Network) will launch the St. Bartholomew Child Care Centre in September 2024. This new Centre will provide care for 10 infants, 15 toddlers, and 24 preschool children which will accompany Network’s Before and After School program currently providing care to school-age children. This is another exciting partnership with the Toronto Catholic District School Board as the Centre will be located within the St. Bartholomew Catholic Elementary School at 51 Heather Street, Scarborough.
Strategic Plan Initiative
During the first few months of 2024, Network will begin to seek the assistance and guidance of a professional firm to facilitate the development of a Strategic Plan which will support the Organization’s roadmap in the coming 3-5 years. This initiative will be a collaborative effort engaging all Network’s stakeholders and community partners. The Strategic Plan will build on the momentum which was attained during “The Blueprint Process” as Network prioritized key areas to enhance the programs and services which the Organization offers to an ever-growing community.

Annual Symposiums
Network continues to be proud to host exciting and educational Annual Symposiums for the Organization’s affiliated home child care providers, educators, and staff. These yearly events allow for all of us to reconnect, share experiences, and gain new insights as we continue to learn from each other. This year, the Annual Symposium for Network’s affiliated home child care providers will take place on October 16, 2024, and the Annual Symposium for educators and staff will take place on November 2, 2024.
Enhancing Health and Nutrition
Network Child Care Services (Network) has continually sought to consistently improve in all aspects of the Organization’s child care programs. This year, Network is proud to announce a new partnership with Real Food for Real Kids, an organization which prides itself on delivering healthy, nutritious, and freshly prepared meals daily, now providing its services to Network’s child care centres.

Technology Innovations
2024 will continue to bring a paradigm shift to Network’s IT, cybersecurity, and communication systems but most notably with the launch of Zoom Communications. Using this new telephone system welcomes a whole new realm, as voice communication technology will be clearer and highly accessible. Network will be providing training for its educators and staff to learn to use and maximize these new digital tools. With Zoom Communications, management, centre supervisors, quality assurance consultants and administrative and accounting staff will be able to schedule Zoom virtual meetings and workshops, promoting outreach and communication throughout the Organization.
Financial Highlights
Year ending December 31, 2023
Total Revenue
Grant Revenue
Subsidized Child Care Fees
Child Care Fees
Other Revenue
Total Expenses
Salaries & Benefits
Provider & Contractor Fees
Occupancy Costs
Office & Administrative
Excess of Revenue Over Expenses for the Year - $5,367,280
Note: Copies of financial statements audited by KRP LLP Chartered Professional Accountants, may be provided upon request.
Staff Members & Providers
Staff Members
Nasra Abdi
Aziza Abdulaziz
Haali Ahmed
Jasmine Aitken
Zewditu Akele
Mosa Nazma Akter
Nahida Akter
Heyam Al Tarsha
Maria Alberga
Fatima Ali
Shernell Alleyne
Cheridainne Almazan
Daisy Arenasa
Roshini Arithas
Arineh Armenakpour
Aurea Arredondo
Hana Abebe Ayalew
Ericka Divine Bael
Sally Bacchus
Kavenie Arian Balbad
Abbegale Baldwin
Cindy Marcela
Banguero Serrano
Padma Banjade
Mariam Baroi
Amaneh Barzegari
April Bautista
Tianna Beggs
Celeste Benjamin
Jennifer Benjamin
Yongzhu Bi
Anzhelika Bielukha
Alphine Bondoc
Sandy Botelho
Nardia Buchanan
Divina Cabading
Rubina Caldez
Jessica Calouro
Danielle Campbell
Brianna Campbell
Wanfang Cao
Kyrene Caparas
Nadine Capleton
Olivia Carello
Jennifer Carter
Maria Castaneda
Shu Yi Cen
Jacqueline Cervoni
Wing Chan
Yuk-Ying Chan
Chin Yao Chang
Keturah Charles-Rogers
Carla Maria Chavarria
Yan Lan Chen
Kangzhen Chen
Rashayna Chisholm
Yan Tung Crystal Chu
Stephanie Chin
Yu Chung
Cynthia Clarke
Gloria Corloncito
Virginia Cuadro
Celine Cummings
Reetu Daddar
Barbara De Cicco
Anabela De Melo
Loretta Delos Angeles
Hodan Deriya
Harsha Desai
Edna Dioneda
Melany Dogino
Kelli-Ann Duggan
Anita Dukharan
Thelma Dumaquion
Gregory Dumas
Alloris Oneka Dyer
Petall Edwards
Wendy Elejaide
Vincent Elumba
Selamawit Estifanos
Flowrin Falia
Juecong Fang
Lucky Fardusey
Mei Xia Feng
Anecia Ferguson
Diane Frias
Amanda Fulton
Aubrey Gablan
Megan Mae
Eva Garaffa
Joanna Mae Garcia
Amber Giroux
Fanouria Gkizali
Maria Granato
Shirnette Green
Juvelyn Grospe
Sabrina Hajiyeva
Teri Harley
Nancy Hoang
Shahina Hossain
Fei Fei Huang
Li Xiu Huang
Fardoshi Islam
Antoinnia Briana James
Nastaran Jami
Anushi Jay
Jie Jiang
Rachael John
Dimitra Kampyli
Maria Katsigarakis
Davinder Kaur
Manpreet Kaur
Shanice Keane
Sakineh Khalilinejad
Kamrun Khan
Ara Rowson Khanam
Laya Khatamian
Selamawit Kidane
Panayiota Kintis
Piumi Kurukulasuriya
Maleeha Ladha
Desiree Lakhan
Lai Ching Lam
Shanti Lama
Ntesara Langkozi
Eunjin Lee
Doris Lei
Maribel Leon
Jacqueline Levy
Xue Lian Li
Cuiyi Li
Mingyu Cherrie Li
Lindita Lika
Yu Sze Lin
Min Yan Lin
Qiuping Lin
Wan Chi Liu
Stephanie Llavanes
Natalie Lloyd
Joan Lopez
Leanne Lowes
Evelyn Lungay
Effie Jane Maclean
Athenna Magno
Min Yu Mai
Christina Michelle
Amor Mangubat
Whiza Anne Maramba
Ana Maravilla
Luciana Marino
Jana Maslev
Antonia Mastrella
Emely Mazariegos
Maria Eduarda Menon
Arta Mici
Marzieh Miri
Taeko Mizukami
Hong Mei Mo
Christina Modopoulos
Aneesah Mohamed
Sabrina Monah
Arminda Joyce Mora
Erika Maria Moreira
De Souza
Danielle Morra
Sukisa Muhimpundu
Mohana Mylvaganam
Godla Soumya Naidu
Manveer Kaur Nehal
Trishelle Sashauna
Tien Nguyen
Rosaria Orellana
Angela Oropeza Diaz
Jane Otero
Patricia Pacheco
Sally Medeiros Pacheco
Inthuja Packiaraja
Dianne Palhinha
Nick Pappas
Seoyun Park
Deomattie Persaud
Persaud Campbell
Lesley Pigott
Nisha Pitroda
Kahseendah Pompey
Rehana Akter Popy
Diana Powell
Julie Poya-Lama
Leonora Prado
Sayida Binish Qadir
Tanvir Quader
Jennielyn Quilang
Sonia Rahman
Mithula Rajagopal
Vineta Ramdeo
Eimee Ruth Ranada
Yanesha Ratnakumar
Raveena Ravinthiran
Wilma Regala
Shumaila Rehan
Hedda Reyes
Amber Ritchie
Erika Santana
Blessi Santiago
Francesca Santoro
Christelle Sayers
Debbie Seerattan
Iman Shehata
Yanje Sherpa
Agata Siczek
Aurelia Simon
Sandhya Singh
Margaret Smith
Kerian Smith
Isabela Solis-Lazano
Tomislava Stanisic
Vanessa Sterling
Nadia Stirpe
Stellina Alexandra
Melanie Jill Tan
Kanya Thapa
Kasis Timalsena
Paraskevi Tsimenidis
Sangyal Tsogyal
Pamela Tugade
May Rachel Uy
Zilan Uzunkodalak
Luis Varessis
Nanette Villarba
Spyros Volonakis
Hoang Phuong
Thao Vo
Effie Vrazalis
Serena Walker
Andrea Walker
Lei Wan
Chong Wen Wang
Elma Wedderburn
Hiu Laam Wong
Karen Ho Lam Wong
Ka Ying Wong
Wei-Ning Wu
Qing Feng Wu
Xiuming Wu
Fang Xiao
Jianling Xie
Fen Yao
Ashee Yaser
Jianyi Ye
Hao Yin
Tenzin Yingsel
Sau Ting Yiu
Hyun Kyung Yoon
Arlene Youngsam
Ishrat Zahan
Aygun Zargari
Anila Zemblaku
Yanfeng Zhou
Affiliated Providers
Venus Abbugao
Sahra Abdi
Shamso Abdi
Khamar Abdinoor
Abdirahman Mohamed
Safia Abdullahi
Saynab Abdullahi
Hamdi Adam
Suddis Aden
Ubax Aden Isak
Nessa (Kelly) Agdomar
Fozia Ahmed
Hinda Ahmed
Ijabo Ahmed
Anisah Al-Qadasi
Fatuma Ali
Hawa Ali
Istaahil Ali
Nazli Ali
Tahani Ali
Mareah Anwar
Safiya Badat
Samim Badat
Nimo Bile
Shaneeza (Yvonne)
Julia Chavez
Zahro Daqane
Mariam Darman
Maria De Freitas
Carmen De Melo
Seylon Dirie
Teresa Domingos
Rita Evans Sealy
Dunia Farah
Zahra Farah
Selam Ghebrenegus
Marcia Griffith
Yordanos Habte
Shukri Haji
Maryam Hassan
Marian Hussein
Samira Ibrahim
Shamim Islam
Deqa Isse
Kaltom Ahmed Isse
Sathyananthy (Jeeva)
Sarah Joseph St Marie
Jacqueline Keane
Dorothy Kessie
Kawser Khan
Yeasmin Ara Khanam
Carol Magly Limas
Muneera Mahmood
Rahel Mamo Siber
Maritza Martinez
Saron Mengstu
Malyoun Dahir Meraneh
Ruta Mesfin
Helan Miah
Farhia Mohamed
Farhia Husien Mohamed
Hamso Mohamed
Suhira Mohamed
Fartun Mohamud
Shukri Mohamud
Sofia Mohamud
Fatuma Mussa
Faduma Nur
Kin Nur
Rahel Okbay
Fardowsa Omar
Fatima Omar
Hindia Omar
Lula Osman Omar Ege
Sadia Osman
Maria Pacheco
Rowena Parbu
Cristina Pardo
Saajida Khatun Pathan
Maria Goretti Penacho
Lilowatie (Leila) Persaud
Pearl Quash
Hodan Samatar
Helen Samuel
Ramona Sanchez
Aasiyah Shaikh
Aisha Siddiqa
Humera Siddiqi
Colleen Sutton
Kisanet Tesfahuney
Luna Tewelde
Angelina Valdez
Yolanda Valencia
Hamida Moosaji Varachhia
Nafisa Varachhia
Alice Warren
Fadumo Warsame
Maritza Wong
Amino Yalahow
Fawzia Yousouf
Fathiya Yusuf
Maryan Yusuf
Board Members, Advisors, & Community Partners
Directors and Officers
President: Bob Monteiro, BA
Vice-President: Rachael Simser, MA, LLB
Secretary: Minodora Grigorescu, M.Ed.
Treasurer: Nick Tsimidis, CPA
Past President: Stephen Males, LLB
Board Liaison
Stan Smyer
Executive Director
Spyros Volonakis
Business, Financial and Program Advisors
Andrea Young, RD
BDO Canada, LLP
Douglas R. Varty CPA, CA
Chartered Accountants (Auditors)
KRP LLP Chartered Professional Accountants
Legal Advisors
WeirFoulds LLP
Crawford Chondon & Partners LLP
Rae Christen Jeffries LLP
Iryna M. Iwachiw BPA, LLB. l.I.M
Management Team
Jasmine Aitken
Maria Katsigarakis
Christina Michelle Malakovski
Nadia Stirpe
Luis Varessis
Lei Wan

Ontario Ministry of Education
City of Toronto Children’s Services
Toronto District Catholic School Board
Canadian Child Care Federation
Davenport Perth Neighbourhood Centre
Four Villages Community Health Centre
Home Child Care Association of Ontario (HCCAO)
Home Child Care Association of Toronto (HCCAT)
Macaulay Child Development Centre
Mothercraft College
Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care
Ontario Studies in Education (OISE)
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre
Quality Early Learning Network (QELN)
Past Annual Reports