Network Child Care Services (Network) is proud to deliver your April Newsletter!
Visiting Network’s Ossington Avenue South Child Care Centre!
A quick walk along Ossington Avenue, south of Bloor Street West, is Network’s Ossington Avenue South Child Care Centre (720 Ossington Avenue), colloquially known as the Satellite Child Care Centre. This is Network’s second Centre which was established in the mid 1990’s. This Centre is housed within the Ossington Avenue Baptist Church which was established much earlier in the 1890’s.
This calm and serene structure is punctuated by the laughter of both toddlers and preschoolers who delight in the numerous fun-filled activities which are offered to them daily. In conversations with Jessica Calouro, the Centre’s Supervisor, she describes that what makes this location unique are the number of families who have multiple siblings in care. Year after year, Jessica has noticed that parents who have daughters and sons of the same families, have sought care at this Centre, often prepared to drive out of their way daily to ensure that same continuance of child care.
Another notable aspect of the Satellite Centre is the renovated playground area. If one ever wants to imagine themselves amongst tropical turquoise waters, the newly installed azure blue protective layer of the playground will take you there. Satellite’s playground equipment was also recently enhanced with new play structures. A wonderful benefit to all of Satellite’s children!

Meeting an affiliated Home Child Care Provider – Ms. Maria Lurdes De Freitas
In entering the home of Maria Lurdes De Freitas, you will instantly feel like you have stepped into a complete mini-child care centre environment. It’s calm, organized and delightfully lit with child friendly lighting in a very colourful, safe, and inviting atmosphere. Maria, who came to Canada from Portugal in the early 2000’s, has dedicated her entire lower level home space, to delivering an amazing child care program, to the six children who are currently in care. She brings her Portuguese culture and language to life, by infusing simple Portuguese language phrases as she warmly greets parents and children to her home, as well as throughout the child care day. Hearty lunches are often embellished with flavours from Portugal, as the children become fully engaged in the cooking process. Obrigado (“thank you”) Maria for a wonderful visit!

Mark Your Calendars – These Dates Are Noteworthy!
Kindly note the following significant dates and times this April

April 2
International Children’s Book Day is a thoughtful reminder that children need to be read to as they develop their ability to understand language and particularly printed text. International Children’s Book Day began in 1967, and coincides with the birthday of Hans Christian Andersen, the author of The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling as well as many other familiar fairytales. Reading with your child daily will promote a lifelong desire to seek knowledge and understanding through printed materials.

April 7
Network Child Care Services and all its Programs will be closed during the upcoming Good Friday Statutory Holiday.

April 11
National Pet Day! Pets are an important family member. They are non-judgmental, usually excellent listeners and provide an abundance of joy when they are able to interact with children and adults. Pets offer an opportunity to allow parents to teach their children responsibility for another being, and to consider the needs and feelings of someone else besides themselves.

April 22
Earth Day actually began in 1970, and has become a global observance with over 193 countries and 1 billion+ individuals participating in Earth Day related activities. Many educational settings actually devote the entire week leading up to Earth Day, to focus on waste reduction, recycling materials and finding solutions to reuse many common household items.

Water Beads – A Cautionary Tale!
Over the past few years, brightly coloured beads have made their way onto store shelves and online, marketed as “water beads”, “aqua beads” or “Orbeez”. These beads, which are largely geared to children aged 5+, have become very controversial, and are now banned from use in many educational settings throughout Canada. The problem is that these beads resemble colourful candies such as “gummies”, which children readily consume, however these beads are definitely not candy! Water beads or their derivatives are designed to expand in water. Once a child consumes them, the water beads can expand enough in a few hours to block the intestine or airway.
Furthermore, If the water bead does not pass through the digestive system, surgery is needed to remove them. Water beads do not show up on x-rays or radiographs, leaving them difficult to detect in the body of a child. While many water bead products do carry the claim that they are non-toxic, it seems that the toxic result of swallowing these beads is quite clear. Families should consider the risks involved as sibling groups often share toys between each other, and while one child may be five years old or older, another sibling may not, and thus a simple “tasting session” could prove disastrous.