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Audience: All Staff in Program
Presenters: Susan Menchinton and Megan Samanica
This one hour review will take staff through the steps to using the Storypark Attendance feature newly added to the platform. Going forward, all Network locations will enter and track attendances electronically, including moving children from room to room, or outside (transitional attendance). This feature will also be used to make a record of all attempts to contact families when the Safe Arrival threshold is passed with an unexplained absence. Supervisors will be using Storyopark to track attendances and print reports to be entered each week into the Network database and the city Subsidy portal.
Guiding behaviours in child care is one of the most important and difficult challenges that staff face, particularly when children have defined exceptionalities. Staff frequently struggle with choosing the correct tools to effectively support these children and also with how to balance managing this support while serving the needs of the other children in care. Our colleagues at Lumenus Community Services are offering this session which will examine basic needs and discuss best practices via scenario and room work. Join us for this interactive and interesting hour.
Objectives: Attendees will: