
Network Child Care Services is proud to deliver to your inbox, the Organization’s June Newsletter! Please enjoy a few moments, to review the brief articles and noteworthy celebrations for all families, staff and affiliated home child care providers.

Visiting Network’s Metamorphosis Child Care Centre!

Network’s Metamorphosis Child Care Centre, located just north of Donlands Subway Station (40 Donlands Avenue), and across the avenue from Wilkinson Public School, which has housed thousands of children throughout the years, is Network’s fourth child care location, established in the early 2000’s. This Centre is housed within the Metamorphosis Tou Sotiros Greek Orthodox Church. The unique structure of Metamorphosis creates an environment of calm serenity, as the high arched ceilings allow the laughter and delight of both children and staff to extend upwards seemingly infinitely. Interestingly enough, the word “metamorphosis” has its origins in the Greek language which translates to a “change in form”.

In conversation with Sally Pacheco, Metamorphosis Child Care Centre Supervisor, she describes this location as an active and engaging Centre where families feel as if they have come to their second home. The Centre cares for both preschool and toddlers who fully interact with the staff to create micro play areas within the child care space. A “full kitchen” area houses a number of active “chefs” while a dramatic play site offers unique reenactments of positive social exchanges. Metamorphosis is also greening as an active indoor planting arrangement has already produced potato plants more than fifty centimeters high!

Lots of exciting events are planned for the month of June, as this month often mirrors the school year. The Preschool Graduation will be celebrated along with numerous other art and science related productions. Metamorphosis remains true to its name as children grow and blossom given a caring and enriched environment in this unique chrysalis.

Meeting an affiliated Home Child Care Provider – Ms. Shamim Islam

In entering Shamim’s home, located in The Junction neighborhood of Toronto’s west end, you are immediately greeted with smiles. In coming to Canada from Bangladesh, Shamim has dedicated most of her entire main level of her home, as well as her backyard, to delivering her child care program. She brings her Bengali culture to life, by infusing unique culinary flavours into rice dishes called “biryani” which are often shared with children during lunchtime meals. Frequently venturing outdoors, Shamim enjoys taking the children in her care to the local parks and drop-in centres which contribute to the uniqueness of this neighborhood. Thank you Shamim for a delightful visit!

Mark Your Calendars – These Dates Are Noteworthy!

Kindly note the following significant dates and times this May

June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day!
This unique day was selected to coincide with the summer solstice, as this day represents the maximum amount of natural light as a focal point from which to celebrate! This day was first declared in 1996 in Canada, to “recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples.” Authentically celebrating this day could encompass several activities, from reading about the significant contributions of Indigenous Peoples to listening to music or appreciating the art of many Indigenous artists. Learning to say “miigwetch” (pronounced “meegwetch”) or “thank you” might be a great start to an important conversation.

Things Are Changing, and That is Okay!

“Summertime, and the living is easy” is how the song goes by the famous Jazz musician, Louis Armstrong, as we embark on this delightfully warm season. Summer marks the end of the academic year throughout institutions of learning, as the school term comes to a close for a two-month break in many parts of Canada. Celebrations of graduation often occur during this month of June, as students transition from one part of their school lives to a different segment of their school life or to new adventures outside of school. Even in child care, the movement from one program to another at this time of year, often simply involves a room change, but it also involves the symbolic transition of growth, and growing up. This change is difficult for some, as families tend to become anxious or concerned about the future which will meet their children, and how these same children will navigate the path ahead. As a parent, thinking about the consequences of change for your child doesn’t matter if they are two or twenty years old, as it is still a change into the unknown.

Managing change is in itself a challenge, but it can be navigated with a plan. First, acknowledge that the change is an important part of life as it is impossible to freeze time, and not permit the change itself to occur. Second, changing your mindset or your viewpoint towards what is going to change, is part of understanding and accepting, that change is actually vital for growth. Third, keep breathing! Taking deep breaths as you adjust your mindset to how your child will embrace the future and be successful will focus a positive outlook on this process. Finally, put your thoughts and ideas on paper (or on your device of choice) about the change which will occur, which may allow you to effectively “map out” the possibilities which may present themselves, moving forward.

Change can take on many shapes and forms throughout our lives. Some changes may seem quite big while others may seem small, but it is how you chose to measure the value of these changes for yourself and your family. If you choose to embrace and accept the change, working through the navigation plan a little bit each day, either in your own mind or on paper, will ease the understanding of the importance of the change, and how positive it could be for your child and family, which could make all the difference!

Shahi, M. “How changing your mindset can help you embrace change”. TEDxFlowerMound
Clarke, J. “Embracing Change”. TEDxPerth